Thursday, 13 March 2014

What's 'Fairy Lights and Folk Tales' about?

'Fairy Lights and Folk Tales' song meanings


Last year I fainted on the underground and not a single person helped me. My husband came across London to get me, literally 'picked me up'. So I wrote this song when I got home about belonging to someone, or having someone to depend on, when you feel that others don't care. Musically it's a simple structure, but it stays with you.

'Wait in the Rain'
I've always always been moved by the break-up scene in New Moon, because I can relate to being left suddenly by someone you love, like Bella was in the forest. I have felt those exact emotions. It inspired me to capture the feeling of the love, loss, emptiness, uncertainty and determination that comes with a break-up, in a song. I wanted the piano in this song to capture the emotions just as much as the lyrics, so took more time than usual on getting the part right.

'Mrs Rochester'
Jane Eyre is my favourite book and I've always related to her. However, having had broken engagements, I came to realise that actually I could relate to the first Mrs Rochester much more than I thought. This song is inspired by her story, but also my need and everyone's need, to tell their own stories when they are left behind. Of every song I've ever written, I felt most moved by this one when I finished it, both musically and lyrically. 

'Fairy lights and folk tales'
I was literally sitting in a 'quiet', 'white' room when I wrote this song, and as I was thinking of what to write, I wrote about the process itself and how my mind works…


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