Thursday, 14 February 2013

Unconventional Girl: Behind the scenes

Song stories

As we await the exciting release of 'All the Stars', I thought I would celebrate my older songs with a bit of their background/story....

Low again is about getting out of a long-term relationship, where the other person began it, then ended it and started it again then ended it again… It is about recognising the highs and lows that that cycle brings are just not worth it. 

Run away and Just us baby were written a year later. The stimulus for Run away was the total cutting off of contact after the end of a relationship, which I never asked for. The main lines of the chorus emphasise that I don't believe love, emotion, relationship can be so cleanly cut like that.

The chorus of Just us baby came to me quickly and complete, but the verses took me a bit longer. They combine the idea of me being independent, with the notion of two people also doing what they want. This song was initially a reaction to people who say 'you can't do that so soon'…

Conversation is a bonus track as it was featured on the previously released Addicted EP. This was the first song I wrote completely on a piano (I used guitar before that). It has been popular and used/played in a lot of places. It is essentially about a conversation that I had in a bar which lasted all evening, with someone who acted like it was no big deal when I saw them again. I saw things differently…

The four songs from Unconventional Girl are from different times. I am excited that the next collection is made up of all new and recent material, with a progression in their feel and sound too. I hope you will love All the Stars.

LJ Ayrten x


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